Looking for care staff?
If you are looking for staff, Nurses Direct will be there for you at any time, when you call you will be appointed an Account Manager, who will support and work with you to ensure you are getting the best possible service from staff delivery.
At Nurses Direct we use an interactive booking system to enhance our client/agency relationship offering clearer visibility of hours, bookings, we also send out a weekly update, so you know when and where you have members of the nurses direct team coming to your establishment.

Matching staff to business needs
At nurses direct we ensure that we find the best suited candidate for your businesses’ needs, ensuring that they are living close to your business (where possible) to help reduce costs, making sure that they have all the necessary training and enhanced dbs.
We have an open door policy for our client, this means that if you have any queries or concerns will be more than happy to help and see if we can resolve this together. Should you require it our directors are always looking to go the extra mile for our clients and visit you at your establishment to ensure you are getting the best service from Nurses Direct and our staff.
Nurses Direct pride ourselves on the staff that we provide with our intensive interview techniques, we ensure that only the best staff join our agency. We break our interviews into three parts, first is an informal chat with the candidate, to see if they have the key attributes that we are looking for.
Second stage is a formal interview where they will be interviewing healthcare professionals with over 26 years of experience to ensure they have the knowledge required. The third stage is a shadow shift with a member of our already established nurses direct team.
If you would like to know more about the nurses direct team, please feel free to contact us on 01752 418400 or send us an email info@nursesdirectcare.com